King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals | جـامـعـة المـلك فـهـد للـبـتـرول والمـعـادن |
College of Computer Sciences & Engineering | كـلـيـة عـلـوم وهنـدسـة الحــاسـب الآلي |
Information & Computer Science Department | قـسـم عـلـم الحـاسـب الآلي والمـعلـومـات |
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Sciences and Engineering
Information and Computer Science Department
Syllabus - Second Semester 2017-2018 (172)
Website: Blackboard learn 9.1
Class Time, Venue and Instructor Information:
Sec. | Time | Venue | Instructor | Office Hours |
01 | UTR 10:00-10:50AM |
24-236A |
Dr. Mohammad Alshayeb Office: 22-308 Phone: 013-860-4874 E-mail: |
UT 09:00–09:50AM & T 12:05-12:55 PM or by appointment |
02 | UTR 11:00-11:50AM |
24-133 |
Course Catalog Description
Introduction to project management concepts, tools, and techniques: integration management and project planning, scope management,scheduling, budget control, human resource management, communication management, risk analysis and management, project quality
management, and procurement management.
Pre-requisites: Junior standing
Assesment Plan:
Assesment Tool | Weight |
Homeworks | 15 % |
Project | 15 % |
Major Exam 1 [February 27, 2018 @6:00 PM] | 20 % |
Major Exam 2 [April 10, 2018 @6:30 PM] | 20 % |
Final Exam (Comprehensive) [May 14, 2018 @ 7:00 PM] | 30 % |
Tentative Schedule & Major Topics:
Week# | Topic |
1 | Introduction to Project Management |
2 | The Project Management and IT Context |
3 | Project Integration Management |
4 | Project Scope Management |
5 | Project Scheduling and Tracking |
6 | Project Procurement Management |
7 | Software Cost Estimation |
8 | Project Quality Management |
9 | Project Quality Management |
10 | People Management |
11 | People Management |
12 | Communication Management |
13 | Risk Management |
14 | Risk Management |
15 | Stakeholder Management |